Seek First the Kingdom of God – Matthew 6:33

Our Worship Experience

Northgate Baptist Church

When: Sunday morning at 10:45am
The Sunday worship experience at Northgate Baptist is a welcoming, heartfelt, Christ-first affair. Services consist of songs of praise and worship led by our Praise Band and Choir (a blend of traditional hymns and newer, more up-tempo selections), a welcome from one of our staff pastors, and a time of worship through giving. The centerpiece of our service is the Bible-based, expository sermon you receive from Pastor Jimmerson. Each message glorifies God, encourages listeners to grow in their personal relationship with God, and equips listeners so they are ready to embrace the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each message is followed by a response time to act upon the truth shared in the message.

Frequent Questions

  • When is Sunday School?
    Sunday school begins each Sunday morning at 9:30am.
  • Is parking an issue?
    We have plenty of parking at Northgate Baptist Church. Handicapped-accessible parking is available directly in front of the church on Summit Drive as well as behind the church near the entrances to the Fellowship Hall and Preschool Wing. For young families with preschoolers or children, we encourage you to park at the back of the church of ease of access to the preschool and children’s wings. Parking is also available to the right of the church building. If for some reason you are unable to find a parking spot, let an usher or greeter standing at one of the doors know, and we’ll make certain you get the help you need.
  • Do I have to dress up?
    It’s important to us that our guests feel comfortable and at ease when they visit, whether that means jeans and a t-shirt or suit and tie. On Sunday mornings, many of our members choose to dress business casual.
  • I’m hearing impaired. Should I just stay home?
    Absolutely not! We have hearing devices available for the hearing impaired. They are stored in the vestibule (main entrance) of the church, and any usher or greeter can help you obtain one.
  • What Sunday School class to I go to, and what about my kids?
    Northgate offers Sunday school classes for every age group, from infants all the way to senior adults. We have couples classes, and classes made up only of men or only of women. If this is your first time visiting, and you’re not sure where you or your child should go, talk to an usher or greeter: he or she will happily point you and your child in the right direction, and probably walk with you to the class!
  • Will I be singled out or publicly recognized for visiting Northgate Baptist Church?
    It’s not our mission to embarrass or make our guests feel uncomfortable. Visitors are not singled out during services, and they don’t have to wear “Hi, I’m _____” name tags. However, our congregation tends to be very friendly: don’t be surprised if several members greet you, shake your hand and thank you for visiting.
    Visitor cards are available in the sanctuary for you to fill out, but doing so isn’t mandatory and if you do complete one, we promise not to spam you! You may also arrange to speak to Pastor Barry or one of our other ministers after the service, if you so wish.
  • What is Northgate Baptist Church all about?
    We believe that God so loved this world, he surrendered His only Son so that we would not spend eternity separated from Him. Our mission at Northgate is quite simple:

          To glorify God by equipping its members to be actively involved in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.. And we attempt to do that by expressing God’s love to people through the five core functions of the church: Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry and, of course, Worship.

  • Anything else I should know about Northgate Baptist?
    Yes! Please take a few minutes to peruse our website, checking out our Missions, Gate Post (the monthly newsletter) and Church Calendar pages, and watch a few videos of our worship services. Of course, we all know that you get only so much from reading a website or watching some videos, so plan to come worship with us soon. We’d love to meet you!