633 Kids
BibleStudy (9:30-10:30)
Bible Study groups are provided for children in grades K-5th, divided into smaller, age-appropriate groups. Through a variety of activities children learn to understand the Bible, memorize Bible verses, and learn how to apply Bible truths to daily life in the areas of God, Jesus, the Bible, Creation, Family, Self, Church, Community and World, Holy Spirit, and Salvation.
Kid’s Worship (10:45-Noon)
Children in grades K-3 meet for worship each Sunday morning with high-energy activities, upbeat music, creative telling of Bible stories, and practical application of Bible truths on a level they can understand.
Wednesday Opportunities (6:15-7:30)
- Awana: We offer Wednesday night programs for first through second graders (Sparks) and third through fifth graders (Truth and Training). Awana is a curriculum that promotes the living out 2 Timothy 2:15:
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Our desire is to see kids, leaders, and families come to know, love and serve Jesus Christ!
Yearly events: Vacation Bible School (VBS) & Weekly Fun Summer Activities
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