Seek First the Kingdom of God – Matthew 6:33

Nursery & Preschool

Vision Statement: To encourage, equip, and empower preschoolers and their families to seek first the Kingdom of God. 
Scripture: Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. – Matthew 19:14  

Sunday School (9:30-10:45am)
Preschoolers are loved, nurtured and taught Bible thoughts and truths about God, Jesus, the Bible, Creation, Family, Self, Church, Community and World, Holy Spirit, and Salvation through interactive play in a loving and safe environment.

Worship Care (10:45-11:45am)
Teams of volunteers care for preschoolers (babies through 4 years old) during the Sunday morning worship.

Wednesday Night Activities
Cubbies is our Wednesday night ministry for boys and girls ages 3 and 5. This Awana-based curriculum provides the building blocks of faith and basic awareness of God’s love for all people. We have a bible story, crafts and music each Wednesday night. We also work on mission projects throughout the year.

Special Events

  • Eggstravaganza
  • Fall Festival
  • VBS
  • Parent Child Dedication Service
  • Family Fun Trips
Nursery Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank you for the people of Northgate Baptist Church. Thank you for the teachers and leaders of the church and for volunteers who so willingly serve. Help our nursery to be an outreach tool for bringing children and their parents to Northgate, but above all of this help our Nursery and its workers glorify You to all those who come through our doors. Amen.