Seek First the Kingdom of God – Matthew 6:33


S.T.A.N.D. Youth

Mission: We envision the students to be those who would S.T.A.N.D. (Share Testimony Always, Never Deny) in the power of the Holy Spirit for Jesus Christ in all areas of influence, by equipping them to find their identity and joy solely in in HIM, and encouraging them to grow in their knowledge of and love for HIM through the faithful practice of the spiritual disciplines, all for the glory and honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Who We Are:

S.T.A.N.D. is the youth group of Northgate Baptist Church: a fun-loving, bible-believing, community-serving, Christ-proclaiming group of active teens who are maturing in their faith and glorifying God in their homes, at their schools, and among their friends.

When We Meet:

Sunday Morning 9:30-10:30

  • Students, grades 6-12, meet in the Youth Wing downstairs fellowship, prayer, and bible study that focuses on life issues from a Christian perspective.

Wednesday Evening – 6:30-7:30
On Wednesday nights STAND meets together in the Youth Wing downstairs for our large group time. We play games, worship together, and pray. There is a biblical and applicable message; the content may vary, but every message seeks to drive us to the Cross and find the grace and love of God through Jesus.

Monthly Activities

  • Every month, we schedule an activity (usually off-site) that can range from mini golf to escape rooms to simply hanging out at a local coffee shop.